Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 Archive

On 19 June 2023 the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and associated Supplementary Guidance was replaced by the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2023 and no longer forms part of the Development Plan. This archive contains information on all of the various stages involved in the preparation of the superceded ALDP 2017 and supporting technical information. 

The Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan (as Modified) was approved by Council on Wednesday 14 December 2016 and submitted to Scottish Ministers on Friday 16 December 2016 to notify of our intention to adopt. Scottish Ministers extended the period for the consideration of the documents for an additional 14 days.

Aberdeen City Council adopted the Local Development Plan on 20 January 2017.

You can find the superceded Supplementary Guidance at the following link:




The appeal lodged by Combined Corp BVI Ltd against the adoption of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 has been withdrawn. The final court order confirming that the appeal has been withdrawn has now been received by the Council.

The appellant sought to quash that part of the Plan which incorporated the recommendations made by the Reporter in relation to Issue 11 – Allocated Sites and General Area Strategy; Deeside and Issue 12 – Alternative Sites; Deeside.

In the absence of an appeal, the planning authority can now operate as normal in the determination of all planning applications, including any previously affected by the appeal.

The Reporters Report recommended a number of modifications to the Proposed Plan that was approved by Full Council in January 2015. You can view the modifications below:

An examination is a review of the unresolved representations made on the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Proposed Plan. The examination is undertaken by a person(s) appointed by Scottish Ministers called a reporter. The administration of the examination process is undertaken by the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA). The examination of the Local Development Plan by Scottish Ministers allows for independent scrutiny of unresolved objections. The examination process is on issues, not individual representations.

Case update: 13 May 2016

The reporters have completed their programme of site inspections, and have issued 14 requests for further information. It is not expected that any oral process will be required. The process of writing up the reporters' conclusions is well underway, and the reporters remain confident that the report will be submitted to the council in Summer 2016, within the timescale envisioned by the Scottish Ministers.

Case update: 8 April 2016

The reporters have now largely completed their programme of site inspections, and have issued a number of further information requests resulting from these. Further requests for written information may be forthcoming, especially on policy matters, but it now appears unlikely that any oral sessions will be required. The reporters remain confident that the examination will conclude within the target period identified by the Scottish Ministers.

Case update: February 2016

The lead reporter, Mr Stephen Hall BA (Hons) BPI MRTPI,  has completed his examination of the council's report of conformity with its participation statement, and is now proceeding to examine the issues raised in representations. An additional reporter, Michael Cunliffe BSc(Hons) MSc MCIWEM, has been appointed to the examination. The reporters remain confident that the examination will be completed within the timeframe envisaged by Scottish Ministers.

23 February 2016

An additional reporter Michael Cunliffe BSc(Hons) MSc MCIWEM has been appointed to assist with the examination of the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan.

08 February 2016

The Reporter has completed his examination of the council's report of conformity with its participation statement, and is now proceeding to examine the issues raised in representations. The expectation is that additional reporters will be appointed to assist in the examination, but this is yet to be confirmed. The Reporter remains confident that the examination will be completed within the timeframe envisaged by Scottish Ministers.

 16 November 2015

Aberdeen City Council submitted the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Proposed Plan 2015 to Scottish Ministers for examination. The Scottish Ministers appointed Mr Stephen Hall BA (Hons) BPI MRTPI to carry out the examination of the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan in accordance with Section 19 of the amended Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997. Additional Reporters may be appointed to support the delivery of the report

A  list of information requested by the DPEA and responses will be published below.

Please note some of the files are large and will take some time to open.

Date of Receipt Further Information Request No. Name Date of Response Response
11 March 2016 FIR01: Issue 26  23 March 2016 Council Response: FIR01
16 March 2016 FIR02: Issue 13  01 April 2016 Council Response: FIR02
     19 April 2016 Hermiston Securities Response: FIR02
     19 April 2016 Cyan Properties Response: FIR02
     19 April 2016 Cove & Altens Community Council Response: FIR02
17 March 2016 FIR03: Issue 14 - Blackhills  30 March 2016 Council Response: FIR03
     05 April 2016 Leiths Response: FIR03
     19 April 2016 Hermiston Securities Response to Council Comments: FIR03
     19 April 2016 Hermiston Securities Response to BurnessPaull Comments
17 March 2016 FIR04: Issue 14 - Abbotswells Road  17 March 2016 Council Response: FIR04
17 March 2016 FIR05: Issue 05  17 March 2016 Council Response: FIR05
05 April 2016 FIR06: Issue 11  28 April 2016 Council Response: FIR06
     29 April 2016 Forestry Commission Scotland Response: FIR06
     29 April 2016 SNH Response: FIR06
     03 May 2016 SNH Response: FIR06 Correction
 21 April 2016 FIR07: Issue 12 12 May 2016 Council Response: FIR07
     12 May 2016 Transport Scotland Response: FIR 07
 27 April 2016 FIR08: Issue 02  12 May 2016 Council Response: FIR08
    19 May 2016 Bancon Response: FIR08
    19 May 2016 Reid Family Response: FIR08
    31 May 2016  Ryden Response OBO Stewart Milne: FIR08
    31 May 2016  Ryden Response OBO MacTaggert & Mickel: FIR08
    01 June 2016  Colliers Response OBO MacTaggert & Mickel: FIR08 
    01 June 2016  HFM Response OBO Mr John McIntosh: FIR08
    01 June 2016  HFM Response OBO Cala Homes: FIR08
     01 June 2016 HFM Response OBO Drum Property Group: FIR08
     01 June 2016 BurnessPaull OBO Cults Development Ltd; FIR08
    02 June 2016  Barratt North Scotland Response: FIR08 (Thornhill)
     02 June 2016 Barratt North Scotland Response: FIR08 (Newton East)
    03 June 2016  Homes for Scotland Response: FIR08 
 03 May 2016 FIR09: Issue 08 13 May 2016 Council Response: FIR09
 03 May 2016 FIR10: Issue 07  17 May 2016 Council Response: FIR10
    18 May 2016 HFM Response : FIR10
     02 June 2016 Kingswells Community Council Response: FIR10
 03 May 2016 FIR11: Issue 17 - OP66  17 May 2016 Council Response: FIR11
 03 May 2016 FIR12: Issue 17 - OP102  12 May 2016 Council Response: FIR12
     13 May 2016 Mr Fernandes Response: FIR12
 03 May 2016 FIR13: Issue 17 - OP97 10 May 2016 Council Response: FIR13 
 13 May 2016 FIR14: Issue 22 27 May 2016  Council Response: FIR14 
 20 May 2016 FIR15: Issue 03 26 May 2016 Council Response: FIR15

During the 10 week consultation period 187 representations were received to the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2015. You can find the representations below. Some of the PDFs are large files which will take time to open.

001 Graham Devereux 002 Heri Fernandes 003 James Sinclair 004 John Eagles
005 Gillian Devereux 006 Gillian Laing 007 Alison Olsen 008 Sandra Thomson
009 Ken Hutcheson 010 Kirstin McKenzie 011 Alan Wilson 012 Amec Foster Wheeler obo National Grid
013 Mr & Mrs G Knox & Mr R Knox 014 Evelyn Clark 015 Evelyn Clark obo Rented Accommodation 016 Erika Olsen
017 Mrs Mackay 018 Norman Haggart 019 Susan Fraser 020 Sandra Rae
021 Lynn McVeigh 022 Mr & Mrs George & Maureen Findlay 023 Lisa Burnett 024 Keppie obo CALA Management & SRUC
025 Roderick Menzies 026 Zara Lee 027 Mark & Karen Souter 028 Heather Watt
029 Scott Morgan 030 Jennifer Elrick 031 Knight Frank obo Avant Homes 032 Hugh Cumming
033 Shona Evans-Morgan 034 John Handley Associates obo Standard Life Assurance Ltd 035 Torry Community Council 036 Alexander Hamilton
037 Jane Hamilton 038 John Handley Associates obo Shell 039 Sandra Cawthorne 040 QUOD obo Scotia Gas Networks
041 Sportscotland 042 NATS Safeguarding 043 Dorothy Semple 044 Janet Hosie
045 Marie Milton 046 Ian Porter 047 H R Millar 048 Mr & Mrs Ewen
049 E W Boyd 050 Eve Glegg 051 Mr & Mrs Thain 052 Pamela Shand
053 Elizabeth Reid 054 Scottish Natural Heritage 055 Ian Stark 056 Knight Frank obo Mr McDonald
057 Ryden obo Cyan Properties Ltd 058 Ryden obo European Development Holdings Limited 059 Nestrans 060 June Stark
061 Joan Robertson 062 Booker Limited obo Makro 063 Ryden obo Aberdeen of University 064 Ryden obo Stewart Milne Homes & John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd
065 Burness Paull obo Leiths (Scotland) Limited 066 Craigiebuckler and Seafield Community Council 067 Diane Morrison 068 Michael Hyde
069 Mhairi Johnston 070 Sandie Munro 071 A & G Cowie 072 Wendy Buchan
073 Ryden obo The University of Aberdeen & Bon Accord Land Promotion Ltd 074 Progress Planning obo Miller Developments Ltd 075 Burness Paull obo Carlton Rock 076 Scottish Water
077 Ryden obo RGU 078 GVA Grimley obo Telereal Trillium 079 John McDonald 080 Burness Paull obo George Souter
081 Burness Paull obo EnerMech Group Limited 082 Stewart Milne Homes 083 Albert Middler 084 Emac Planning obo Polmuir Properties Ltd

085 Ryden obo Stewart Milne Homes Part 1
Part 2

086 Jennifer Paton 087 GVA James Barr obo Reit 088 Montagu Evans obo Zurich
089 GVA James Barr obo Leto Ltd 090 Ryden obo Dandara 091 SITA UK 092 The Theatres Trust
093 Knight Frank obo Hermiston 094 Knight Frank obo Moorfield Group Limited 095 Ryden obo Mr Balsillie & Family 096 Jodie Stark
097 Shirley Copland 098 Culter Community Council 099 Juliet Macleod 100 Old Aberdeen Community Council
101 Turnberry obo The Grandhome Trust 102 Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber Community Council 103 Archial Norr obo Parkie Property 104 Archial Norr obo Royal Aberdeen Golf Club
105 Roger Laird 106 Archial Norr obo Mr & Mrs A.N. Ironside/Midstocket Development Company 107 Mr & Mrs A Porter 108 Archial Norr obo BP Midstreams Pipelines
109 Burness Paull obo North East Scotland College 110 Allan B. Chalmers North East Scotland College 111 Nigg Community Council 112 Derek Webster
113 Sandy Hutchison 114 Brigitte Matthews 115 Aberdeen Cycle Forum 116 Abdul Latif
117 Ryden (IL) obo Stewart Milne Homes 118 HFM obo Langler Investments 119 Lynda Kelman 120 Scott Hobbs Planning obo Scottish Enterprise
121 Marianne Evans obo Charlie House Appeal 122 HFM obo Shivas Trust/D Gray & others 123 Colliers obo Mactaggart & Mickel Homes 124 Scottish Environment Protection Agency
125 Barratt North Scotland 126 Forestry Commission Scotland 127 Montagu Evans obo M & G Real Estate 128 Emac obo Stewart Milne Homes
129 Gladman Developments 130 GVA obo Aldi Stores 131 HFM obo CALA Homes (North) Ltd 132 Burness Paull LLP
133 Burness Paull LLP obo Mr Ian Suttie 134 HFM obo Drum Kingswells Business Park 135 Andrew Philp 136 Aberdeen Civic Society
137 Barton Willmore obo Aberdeen Harbour Board 138 Urban Wilderness obo The Reid Family 139 CBRE obo John Lewis 140 Savills obo Tiger Aberdeen (Jersey) Ltd
141 Archial Norr obo Mr S Barrack 142 Burness Paull obo Cults Property Development 143 Knight Frank obo Mr & Mrs Nicol 144 Halliday Fraser Munro
145 Halliday Fraser Munro obo W Donald 146 Burness Paull obo Aberdeen Football Club 147 Cove & Altens Community Council 148 Ryden obo NHS Grampian
149 Homes for Scotland 150 HFM obo Drum Property Group 151 Churchill Homes 152 Emac Planning obo Scotia Homes
153 NPL Planning obo British Airways 154 Knight Frank obo Rubislaw Estates 155 HFM obo ANM Group 156 HFM obo John McIntosh
157 Persimmon Homes 158 Savills obo Hammerson  159 Representation withdrawn 160 Montagu Evans obo Buccmoor LP
161 Montagu Evans obo E Yule Esq 162 Colliers obo AA Webster & Sons 163 Colliers obo MacTaggart & Mickel Homes & Mr Necci 164 Scottish Government
165 Historic Scotland via Scottish Government 166 Forestry Commission Scotland via Scottish Government 167 Transport Scotland via Scottish Government 168 Mrs P M Fullerton
169 Miss Katie McLachlan 170 Colin Fraser 171 Roy McLennan 172 Terence Fullerton
173 Ryden (ML) obo Stewart Milne Homes 174 Mr A Lewis 175 Mrs Sheila Walker 176 Miss Laura Ferguson
177 Kingswells Community Council 178 Mrs Susan Lewis 179 Old Aberdeen Heritage Society 180 George Murray
181 Susie Murray 182 Kenneth Hutcheon 183 Bancon Part 1
Part 2
184 SEA Gateway
185 Mark Kaczmarek 186 Lucy Philip 187 Irene Strachan  

The Proposed Plan, Proposed Action Programme and associated background documents were presented to Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee on Tuesday 28 October 2014. It was agreed the Proposed Plan and Proposed Action Programme would be published for consultation. On 13 January 2015, at the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee, further text was agreed to be added to the Proposed Plan describing in detail the Supplementary Guidance. This was also agreed for consultation. Please see below the Proposed Plan and associated documents. Please be aware these are large PDF documents and may take some time to open.

 The Main Changes between the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2012 and the Aberdeen Local Development Plan - Proposed Plan 2015 have been outlined in the two documents below:

The Proposed Plan and associated background documents were presented to Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee on Tuesday 28 October 2014. It was agreed the Proposed Plan and Action Programme would be published for consultation. The associated background documents are the background papers used to inform the development of the Proposed Plan. The following documents are the background papers used to inform the development of the Proposed Plan:

  • Publicity and Consultation
    The document outlines the publicity measures and consultation events which have taken place during the Pre-MIR and MIR process
  • Schedule 4 Forms (Response to Representations)
    The Schedule 4 forms are the response to representations received during the MIR consultation. 
  • Pre-MIR Development Options Assessments
    The report shows the assessment of sites submitted against a set criteria.
  • Post MIR - Development Options Assessments
  • Proposed Plan Site Assessment Report
    The report shows the assessment of new sites submitted during the MIR consultation against a set criteria.
  • Brownfield Urban Capacity Study
    In order to meet the Strategic Development  Plan requirements for housing on brownfield sites the Brownfield Urban Potential Study was updated in 2014.
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
    A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment has been undertaken to satisfy the requirements placed on local authorities under section 1 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. This requires local authorities to exercise their flood risk related functions with a view to reducing overall flood risk and promoting sustainable flood risk management. The Assessment looks at a number of potential sources of flood risk which may be relevant for development in Aberdeen.
  • Monitoring Statement
    This forms part of the evidence base for the plan. The current Local Development Plan was adopted in 2012 and is fairly up to date, the Monitoring Statement concentrates on the policy changes required by the new Aberdeen Local Development Plan.
  • Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Retail Study
    The Strategic Development Planning Authority, in partnership with Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils commissioned an Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Retail Study to examine the future retail potential in the region. This made a number of recommendations on potential retail sites and policy and has been used to inform the contents of the City Centre and Retail sections in the Main Issues Report.
  • Onshore Wind Spatial Framework
    An Onshore Wind Spatial Framework has been prepared to assess the opportunities for identifying areas suitable for wind turbine developments. The countryside surrounding Aberdeen within the local authority boundary is limited to a small area and together with the presence of Aberdeen Airport there is not the scope to identify suitable sites for large scale wind farms.
  • Environmental Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment
    The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of all plans, programmes and strategies to be undertaken . The Strategic Environmental  Report provides an assessment of the impact of the sites and policies on the environment. For any identified impacts on the environment mitigation measures have been proposed, and a framework of how these impacts will be monitored is included in the Environmental Report. Under Article 6 (3 and 4) of the European Habitats Directive, any plan, project or strategy (PPS) likely to have a significant effect on a Natura 2000 site, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, must undergo a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) to determine its implications for the site.
  • Equalities and Human Rights Impact Assessment
    This is an assessment of the potential equalities and human impacts that the Plan could have on the citizens of Aberdeen. It helps us to explain the measures the Council will take throughout the Local Development Plan process to minimise these impacts on the community.

The public consultation ran for a period of 10 weeks between Friday 20th March 2015 and Monday 1st June 2015. Comments could be submitted on the Proposed Plan, the Proposed Action Programme, Proposed Supplementary Guidance and a Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report. We provided a response form to make comments on. An advice note was also prepared for further guidance. Drop-in events were organised in different neighbourhoods across the city. These are outlined in the table below:

Venue Date and Time
 Central Library Monday 20 April, 3-8pm 
 Bridge of Don Library Wednesday 22 April, 3-7pm
 Kingswells Community Centre Thursday 23 April, 3-7pm
 Northfield Library Monday 27 April, 3-7pm
 Bucksburn Library Monday 27 April, 3-7pm
 Cults Sports Centre Complex Tuesday 28 April, 3-7pm
 Cove Library Wednesday 29 April, 3-7pm
 Torry Library Wednesday 29 April, 3-7pm
 Bon Accord Centre Thursday 30 April, 12-8pm

 The purpose of the Main Issues Report is to front load effective engagement on the preparation of the plan. The Main Issues Report is not a draft version of the plan, but represents a preferred option and reasonable alternatives for development, informed by a sound evidence base. The publication of the Main Issues report should come before the planning authority has reached a firm view as to the strategy that should be followed. The Main Issues Report and the background documents prepared to support them and inform the report are outlined below:

Please note some of the PDF files below are large and may take time to open.

The following documents have informed and assisted in the production of the main issues report.

The pre-Main Issues consultation summary gathers together the main themes outlined from the pre-main issues consultation.

The report shows the assessment of sites against a set criteria.

This forms part of the evidence base for the plan. The current Local Development Plan was adopted in 2012 and is fairly up to date, the Monitoring Statement concentrates on the policy changes required by the new Aberdeen Local Development Plan.

In order to meet the Structure Plan requirements for housing on brownfield sites the Brownfield Urban Potential Study was updated in 2013.

The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of all plans, programmes and strategies to be undertaken . The Strategic  Environmental  Report provides an assessment of the impact of the sites and policies on the environment. For any identified impacts on the environment mitigation measures have been proposed, and a framework of how these impacts will be monitored is included in the Environmental Report.

A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment has been undertaken to satisfy the requirements placed on local authorities under section 1 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. This requires local authorities to exercise their flood risk related functions with a view to reducing overall flood risk and promoting sustainable flood risk management. The Assessment looks at a number of potential sources of flood risk which may be relevant for development in Aberdeen.

The Strategic Development Planning Authority, in partnership with Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils commissioned an Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Retail Study to examine the future retail potential in the region. This made a number of recommendations on potential retail sites and policy and has been used to inform the contents of the City Centre and Retail sections in the Main Issues Report.

This is an assessment of the potential equalities and human impacts that the Plan could have on the citizens of Aberdeen. It helps us to explain the measures the Council will take throughout the Local Development Plan process to minimise these impacts on the community.

An Onshore Wind Spatial Framework has been prepared to assess the opportunities for identifying areas suitable for wind turbine developments. The countryside surrounding Aberdeen within the local authority boundary is limited to a small area and together with the presence of Aberdeen Airport there is not the scope to identify suitable sites for large scale wind farms.

Consultation on the Main Issues Report ran from 13 January to March 2014. You can see the representations received from the consultation at the following link:

A workshop focussing on retail in the City Centre was held in Marischal College on 15 January 2014 with Councillors, members of the City Centre business community and City Centre community groups invited. The session consisted of a presentation outlining the Aberdeen Local Development Plan - Main Issues Report by a member of the Local Development Plan team and then a presentation by Keith Hargest on the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Retail Study (2013) and its implications for Aberdeen City Centre. The presentations were then followed by facilitated workshops. It should be noted that this is not a minute of the workshop but a summary of points raised by each group.

The Aberdeen Local Development Plan Youth Engagement Programme was undertaken at both Main Issues Report Stage and Pre-Main Issues Report Stage. You can see information on the youth engagement process and the award won at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning 2014 at the following link:

The consultation on the Main Issues Report ran from 13 January 2014 to 24 March 2014. A number of consultation events were held across the city.

Dates Place Time
 Thursday 23 January 2014  Bon Accord Centre  12pm - 8pm
 Saturday 25 January 2014  Union Square  9am - 8pm
 Monday 27 January 2014  Bucksburn Library  3pm - 7pm
 Tuesday 28 January 2014  Kingswells Community Centre  3pm - 8pm
 Wednesday 29 January 2014  Bridge of Don Library  3pm - 7pm
 Monday 3 February 2014  Central Library  3pm - 8pm
 Wednesday 5 February 2014  Altens Community Centre  3pm - 7pm
 Thursday 6 February 2014  Cults Sport Centre  3pm - 8pm
 Monday 10 February 2014  Northfield Library  3pm - 7pm

The review of the Plan started with a non-statutory Pre-Main Issues Report consultation period that ran from 15 April - 14 June 2013. This consultation exercise helped us prepare our Main Issues Report and it's associated supporting documents such as the Strategic Environmental Assessment. These documents, along with copies of all representations that we received during this consultation period were presented to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee in November 2013.

During the consultation period we also ran a number of workshops across the city and a drop in session during the day-time at Marischal College. Please use the links below to view or download the officer notes taken at each meeting.

Our Planning Toolkits were designed to give Community Councils the chance to record the main planning issues affecting their local area. We were encouraged by approaches taken by other local authorities in Scotland (such as North Ayrshire Council) who in the past have successfully used Toolkits to engage with Community Councils.

You can read a report summarising what we did and what we found can on the link below:

In addition, you can view the original response we received from each of the Community Councils using the links below:

The Aberdeen Local Development Plan Youth Engagement Programme was undertaken at both Main Issues Report Stage and Pre-Main Issues Report Stage. You can view information on the youth engagement process and the award won at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning 2014 at the following link:

Paper and online questionnaires were made available for people to submit their representations. We received 59 representations. Please use the links below to view the representations we received.

A total number of 83 development bids were received from developers and landowners to have sites included in the Main Issues Report.

The Key Map shows the development options received, with the whole of Aberdeen City as an A3 base map. The development options are ordered by Electoral Ward (1 to 13, listed below). There is an A3 map for each Ward showing the development options received in that area. Each site is labelled with a reference number (for example "B0910"). Use that number to find the relevant development option submission listed below the map for each ward.

Please note, these maps simply show all of the Development Bids we received and do not indicate which are preferred and alternative options. Options were discussed in the Main Issues Report. It should also be noted that these maps do not show existing Local Development Plan allocations.

Many of the PDFs are large files and will take some time to open.

Ward 1 Map - Dyce/Bucksburn/Danestone

Ward 2 Map - Bridge of Don

Ward 3 Map - Kingswells/Sheddocksley

Ward 4 Map - Northfield
No bids received for this ward

Ward 5 Map - Hilton/Stockethill
No bids received for this ward

Ward 6 Map - Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen

Ward 7 Map - Midstocket/Rosemount
No bids received for this ward

Ward 8 Map - George Street/Harbour
No bids received for this ward

Ward 9 Map - Lower Deeside

Ward 10 Map - Hazlehead/Ashley/Queen's Cross

Ward 11 Map - Airyhall/Broomhill/Garthdee
No bids received for this ward

Ward 12 Map - Torry/Ferryhill

Ward 13 Map - Kincorth/Loirston

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