The Galloway Hoard brings together the richest collection of rare and unique Viking-age objects ever found in Britain or Ireland. Buried around AD 900, the Hoard is of international significance and is transforming our understanding of this period of Scottish history. It contains over 100 diverse objects, from silver, gold and jewelled treasures to rarely-surviving textiles, including wool, linen and Scotland’s earliest examples of silk.
The Galloway Hoard was discovered in 2014. It was acquired by National Museums Scotland in 2017 with the support of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, Art Fund and the Scottish Government, as well as a major public fundraising campaign. It has been undergoing extensive conservation and research since then, uncovering the secrets of the Hoard for the very first time.
In this free exhibition, discover intricate decoration not seen since the objects were buried more than 1,000 years ago, which has been uncovered through cleaning and conservation. Then delve deeper and examine hidden details found in X-rays, CT scans and 3D models. Explore what innovative research and analysis have already told us about the Hoard, and find out what future work might yet uncover about this unparalleled Viking-age find.
Image: Galloway Hoard pectoral cross (detail) © National Museums Scotland