You can use the link on this form to report the following public health issues:
- Defective Drainage
- Rubbish accumulation
- Private water supply queries
- Offensive odours
- Other unspecified public health problems
Defective drainage
Defective drainage in the street, outwith the bounds of a property, must be reported to Scottish Water. Scottish Water are responsible for all drainage, sewers and water supply outside the bounds of a property, except street drains.
Blocked street drains can be reported to the Roads service.
Drainage serving a property is the joint responsibility of all owners.
If you are a council tenant or you live in a block of flats where the majority are Council owned, you can report issues of defective drainage to the Housing Repairs service.
If you are an owner occupier or a private tenant you can report defective drainage to the Environmental Health service and an officer will investigate within 2 days.
Rubbish on private land
Dumping rubbish on public land is flytipping. Please report this to us to we can deal with it.
If rubbish is dumped on private land, it is the owner's responsibility. We can only deal with rubbish on private land if it contains items which will degrade over time and cause odours or attract flies or vermin (for example food waste or nappies).
We are unable to take any action regarding items such as builders' rubble, furniture or white goods. If you are concerned that such items may be a fire risk or block escape routes you should contact the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.