Gaelic in the early years/Gàidhlig anns na Tràth Ìrean

See the Gaelic medium education page for more information about nursery education in Gaelic.

Pàrant is Pàiste Obar Dheathain (0-5 bliadhnaichean)
Gaelic Parent and Child Group (0 - 5 years)

Pàrant is Pàiste Beag is Mòr provide an introduction to Gaelic for babies and young children, from birth up to five years old, through enabling play opportunities. They meet every Wednesday at Bonnymuir Green (outdoors) 10.30-12.30 suitable for all ages and have a mixture of Gaelic speakers and non-Gaelic speakers in the group. They also meet every Friday at Sunnybank Community Centre (indoors) 10-11.30 (aimed at 0-3 yrs, older siblings welcome to attend).

Contact via the Pàrant is Pàiste Obar Dheathain Facebook page.

Pàrant is Pàiste Obar Dheathain (0-5 bliadhna)

Tha Pàrant is Pàiste Beag is Mòr a’ toirt eòlas air Gàidhlig do leanabanan is do phàistean bho àm-breith gu còig bliadhna dh’aois le bhith a’ cur chothroman air cluich air chomas. Bidh iad a’ coinneachadh a h-uile madainn Diciadain is Dihaoine aig Ionad-coimhearsnachd Sunnybank agus tha measgachadh de dhaoine le Gàidhlig is gun Ghàidhlig sa bhuidhinn aca. Tha buidheann ann cuideachd don fheadhainn bho 3 gu 5 bliadhna feasgar Diardaoin.

Cuir fios gu no faic duilleag Leabhar nan Aodann aig Pàrant is Pàiste Obar Dheathain.


Did you know that Bookbug speaks Gaelic too?

The Scottish Book Trust work in partnership with the Scottish Government to provide free Gaelic Bookbug Bags to hundreds of families across Scotland. Gaelic Bookbug Bags are available to all families with an interest in Gaelic, whether or not you are a Gaelic-speaking home or your child attends a Gaelic school.

Please email if you would like to receive a Gaelic Bookbug bag. See the Scottish Book Trust website for more information about the bags.


An robh fios agad gu bheil Gàidhlig aig Bookbug cuideachd?

Bidh Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba ag obair le Riaghaltas na h-Alba gus Bagaichean Bookbug Gàidhlig a thoirt an-asgaidh do na ceudan de theaghlaichean air feadh na h-Alba. Tha Bagichean Bookbug Gàidhlig rim faighinn do gach teaghlach le ùidh ann an Gàidhlig, co dhiubh a tha sibh nur teaghlach Gàidhlig no gun a bhith no a tha do phàiste a’ frithealadh air sgoil Ghàidhlig.  

Nach cuir thu post-dealain gu ma tha thu ag iarraidh Baga Bookbug Gàidhlig. Faic làrach-lìn Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na bagaichean.

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