Getting around / mobility

Blue Badge

The Blue Badge Scheme is a national scheme that allows badge holders to park closer to their destination, but the national concessions apply only to on-street parking. The scheme helps you travel independently, as either a driver or a passenger. 

Free bus travel

If you are over 60 or have a disability, you could be eligible for free bus travel to get around your local area, and the rest of Scotland. The free bus travel scheme is open to holders of a free national entitlement card. In Aberdeen City, this is the Accord Card. 

Motability Scheme

The Motability Scheme helps you get mobile by exchanging your higher rate mobility allowance to lease a new affordable car, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle, scooter or powered wheelchair. 

Find out more about the Motability Scheme.

Disabled parking spaces 

If you are a Blue Badge holder and need to park your car close to your home, you may be eligible for a disabled person's parking space. 

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