We are looking at ways of improving travel conditions on Wellington Road for all forms of transport.
We have carried out a STAG (Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance) assessment. This looks at various options for improvement and scores them against the study objectives, the STAG Criteria (Environment, Safety, Economy, Integration and Accessibility & Social Inclusion), Deliverability, Affordability and Public Acceptability. It also considers the impact that the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route and other key developments around Wellington Road, such as the new Aberdeen South Harbour, have had or will have on traffic in the area. This process results in the identification of a preferred option or options that the Council can take forward to the next stage of design and development.
The STAG assessment was completed in 2021. This recommended a package of improvements, including a new cycling route, more pedestrian and cycle crossings, additional bus priority measures and safety improvements at Hareness and Souterhead roundabouts. The final STAG Detailed Appraisal report can be viewed here, with a Summary Report available here.
The outcomes were agreed by the City Growth and Resources Committee in November 2021, and the Council is now looking at how best to take the recommendations forward. This is likely to involve detailed design work and further supporting assessments as required.