One-tonne salt bags

Our winter community self-help scheme provides one-tonne bags of salt to local residents and community groups.

In severe weather conditions some lower priority roads, streets and footpaths may not receive treatment for many days due to multiple treatments required on higher priority roads and pavements. The scheme will allow you to treat your street and surrounding footpaths when we are unable to.

The one-tonne community salt bags, like the salt provided in grit bins, are only for use on public areas.


Applications for 2024/25 are now open. Applications close on 31 October 2024 after which, they will not be processed.

Apply for a one-tonne community salt bag

What is required to receive a one-tonne salt bag?

You are required to have:

  • A named individual to take responsibility for the bag. We need contact details for this person (an email address or phone number). 
  • A secure location on your property, such as a driveway or other hard surface, to store the bag (1.5 metres of space is needed, ideally within 5 metres of the road).
  • Access for our delivery lorry (a minimum of 3 metres wide with a suitable surface that will take the weight of the lorry).
  • Permission from the landowner (if that is not you) for the salt bag to be stored on their land.

Before we deliver the bag, we need to check that the drop off location and the storage space available are suitable. We cannot drop off the salt bags on footpaths, roads, car parks or grassy areas. Once we have done this, we will be in touch to confirm your application and when your salt bag will be delivered.

Sometimes the salt mixture can affect grass or vegetation that the bag is stored on or near. We are unable to accept responsibility for any damage that does occur, so the named individual must accept responsibility for this. 

How to use the salt bag 

  • The salt will be easier to use if you cover it with a polythene sheet.
  • You can decant the salt into smaller containers for indoor storage or for sharing with your neighbours.
  • A little salt goes a long way. A 10 litre household bucket will hold the same amount of salt that a gritter uses to treat a third of the footpaths of Union Street.
  • Treating the area before bad weather comes can be very effective in preventing snow lying and ice forming.


If your salt bag needs to be refilled, please email us on to arrange this. We will remove empty salt bags at the end of the winter season. 

You can also get salt and grit from our community salt bins and street grit bins.

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