Answer the questions truthfully and accurately. This will ensure the advice you are provided is the most appropriate to your individual circumstances.
If you have already registered please do not re-register. You can contact the Housing Access team for further assistance.
If you are an A8 National and have not yet been provided with a National Insurance Number, please enter the temporary number given to you by the Department of Work and Pensions.
For all others, if you do not have a record of your National Insurance Number, please enter a temporary number in the format of TN(date of birth)(m/f) so if your date of birth is 14/05/1968 and you are female, you should enter TN140568F.
Please note that the calendar does not currently display a year. Please pick the correct date and month and then you will be able to overtype the year (e.g. from 2016 to 1966). Apologies for this, but we are working to fix it
After registering your personal details, you will be given a unique reference number. Please make a note of this reference number as we may ask you for it if we need to talk to you.
When you have answered all the questions you will be provided with a summary of your answers. Unfortunately, if you have made a mistake you will need to re-enter your information again. We apologise for this inconvenience and we are currently working on a solution to make this part of the system more user-friendly.