Food hygiene and food standards

The Environmental Health service makes food safety inspections of commercial premises. They investigate food hygiene and food standards, which are outlined below.

Food hygiene

Service Description
Cleanliness Are the food premises in a satisfactory condition in respect of cleanliness?
Cross contamination control Are adequate procedures in place to prevent cross contamination between raw and ready to eat products?
Is there hot/cold running water Is adequate hot/ cold running water available at all wash hand basins & sinks?
Pest control Are procedures in place to prevent ingress of flying pests and other potential food contaminants e.g. insect screens over open windows/doors?
Temperature control Are procedures in place to ensure foodstuffs are stored and cooked to appropriate temperatures? Cook 75°C+ / Reheated food 82°C / Hot held food 63°C+ / Chilled between 0°C and 8°C / Frozen -18°C
Food safety management documents Does the business have in place an adequate HACCP food safety documented policy e.g. CookSafe?
Training Are staff adequately trained?
Structure condition Are the premises being maintained in a good condition?
Temperature records Are daily temperature records being maintained hot and cold food?
Refuse Are adequate waste control procedures in place? Is separate food waste collection required? From January 2016 if a business generate more than 5kg food waste a week, the food waste must be separated from other refuse. Contact your waste contractor for further advice.

Food standards

Service Description
Allergen information Food business must be able to tell customers what if any of the 14 recognised allergens are contained in the products they produce/sell
Labelling issues Foodstuffs require to be adequately labelled. There are different labelling requirements for products that are made and sold by a 3rd party as opposed to products made for direct sale by the person/premises that made them.
Advertising Products require to be advertised in an honest manner. Claims that cannot be backed up by documentary evidence cannot be made.
Composition The ingredients used in products must be suitable with no risk to public health. What is detailed on the label/name of product must be included in the product. Substitution of ingredients is not allowed and is a serious offence.
Presentation Food must be presented in the same manner as illustrated in any adverts, e.g. if a picture of a Panini on a plate with side salad including fruit and crisps is used to advertise that product, when served it must include the crisps etc., when actually served.
Quality Quality ingredients should be used to make products. Products produced with good quality ingredients will likely taste better and be more nutritious.
Food contact material Are foodstuffs stored in suitable food grade containers and/or food bags? The fork and wine glass symbol indicate that products are food safe. Foodstuffs must not be stored in carrier bags in refrigerators/freezers.

 You can report food safety issues online or by contacting the Environmental Health service and an officer will investigate the complaint within two working days. If the problem is with food you have purchased, if possible keep chilled items in the fridge or freeze the food if it is an issue with a foreign body.

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