Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), it is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any wild bird, or interfere with its nest or eggs. Penalties for doing so can be severe. 

However, if action is required to manage gulls that would otherwise be an offence, such as removing nests and eggs, then a licence to permit this activity must be applied for from NatureScot. This can only be used for the purpose of preserving public health and safety, preventing the spread of disease, and is specifically for the control of Herring, Black-Backed, and Lesser Black-Backed gulls. 

Only an owner or occupier can take action against gulls nesting on buildings, but they can give someone else permission to act on their behalf. 

Please note that licensing is a last resort and should only be utilised once all preventative and deterrent measures have been exhausted. 

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