Committee Meetings
Council and Committee Meetings will be held either in the Council Chamber or in Committee Room 2.
Committee meetings will be either recorded and uploaded to the Committee page after the meeting or webcast and viewed live here:-
The Council Committee structure from 14 October 2022 is as follows:
- Council
- Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee
- Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee
- Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee
- Education and Children’s Services Committee
- Finance and Resources
- Licensing Committee
- Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee
- Pensions Committee
- Planning Development Management Committee
- Staff Governance Committee
- Urgent Business Committee
Each Committee has its own distinctive remit which allows it to make decisions. These are known as the Committee Terms of Reference. The Committees meet on an eight week cycle.
The business of Council and its Committees is governed by the Council's Standing Orders. These are a set of rules which govern the procedures to be followed prior to and at Council and Committee meetings.
Officers also make decisions that help the Council govern and provide services. The Council has delegated powers to officers to give them the authority to make decisions in its behalf. These are outlined in detail in the Powers Delegated to Officers.
There is a new Protocol to guide officers and members on the preparation and agreement of the Council’s budget.
Committee meetings are open to members of the public. You can make a request to speak at a Committee meeting by emailing and can also submit a petition.
You can also view and search for agendas, papers and decisions made by previous Council committees.