Report a missed bin collection

Residential wheelie bins

We will do our best to return for missed bins, however we are unable to arrange additional collections when bins were not put out by 7am on their scheduled day. If your bin is not emptied on the usual day, please leave it out the following day in case we are catching up on bin routes.

Report a missed wheelie bin

Before reporting a missed bin please make sure:

  • Your bin was out by 7am
  • You have checked the disruption to bin services page for updates to bin collections.
  • You have checked your calendar for the correct collection day
  • Your bin lid was closed. Overfilled bins will not be emptied and any items or bags of waste left beside bins will not be picked up
  • Your bin has not been tagged as having the wrong items in it. Wrong items will need to be removed from the bin before the next collection day.

If your bin has not been emptied for any of these reasons we will be unable to return to empty the bin until the next scheduled collection day. You can take any excess waste to a recycling point or recycling centre.

Communal bins

Communal bins do not have a fixed day of the week for collection. If your nearest bin is full, please find an alternative bin to put your waste and report the overflowing bin.

Business waste 

Report a missed business waste collection

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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.