Customer Contact Centre:
- 79,939 calls in April and 73, 571 calls in May to the Contact Centre
- Average wait time: 4mins and 12 secs in April and 3mins and 54secs in May
- 27,140 calls in April and 28,200 calls in May to the Community Alarm and Fire and Security line
- Calls to our Community Support Line: 4,327 in April and 3,441 in May
- Calls to Housing Repairs: 4,204 in April and 3,901 in May
- 6,473 calls in April and 6,552 calls in May to our Out of Hours team
- 13,158 calls in April and 9,139 calls in May to the Council Tax and Benefits team
Did you know: you can request a call back from our contact centre instead of waiting in a queue?
Website stats:
- 180,540 visits to our homepage
- Most viewed page: 93,726 views of School Term and Holidays page
- 2nd most viewed page: 87,477 views of the Low Emissions Zone hompage
Did you know: our chatbot AB-1 is now on Facebook messanger to help with your queries?