Social Work has a set amount of money for community care services and because of this uses guidelines known as eligibility criteria. These ensure:
- that everyone who asks for a service is dealt with according to his or her needs;
- that citizens in the greatest need or at most risk are prioritised, and
- that everyone understands what decisions are made about care.
The council has taken a policy decision, for the reasons explained above, that only those citizens with needs that have been assessed at Emergency/Urgent or High levels will be eligible for service. The Eligibility Criteria will be used to assess the urgency or your situation.
People assessed in the medium and low bands do not meet our eligibility criteria and so will not receive a service, but we will provide information and advice on other sources of help where possible.
The eligibility criteria apply to
- all citizens who currently receive a service; and
- anyone who may request or require an adult care service.
As the needs and services of citizens who currently receive a service are reviewed, the criteria will be applied just as they are applied to new service users. This means that some services currently provided to a citizen may be reduced or withdrawn if they are meeting needs that are not reassessed as a priority.
The aim is to ensure equity or fairness in allocating resources while meeting priority needs.