The City Council want to encourage the use of processing agreements with planning applications for major developments to provide greater clarity about the timescales and processes that will take place before determination is made on these proposals. Supporting the processing agreement there should be constructive pre-application discussions between the planning authority, developers, agencies and other relevant consultation bodies. A processing agreement does not guarantee the grant of planning permission, but should be based on a shared understanding about the key stages in the process - associated planning applications will continue to be considered on their merits and against the terms of the development plan.
Processing agreements should be discussed as early as possible. It is important that developers are well informed at an early stage about the level of information required to support an application. Processing agreements should result in improved trust and more open, positive working relationships between developers, planning authorities and consultees.
Details of the processing agreement will be drawn up between the case officer and the developer. Generally the planning authority will draw up the agreement but if agreed the developer may do this. The format should be kept as concise, clear and as simple as possible (e.g. a simple work plan/timescale format). The components of a processing agreement will vary depending on the circumstances but are likely to include:
- Roles and responsibilities of designated personnel on both sides;
- Information requirements and content of the application, particularly over and above the statutory requirements;
- Decision-making framework, including if necessary any Environmental Impact Assessment framework;
- Project plan and key milestones;
- Meeting framework and administration of the application;
- Timescales
You can download a more detailed guidance note on processing agreements below:
NB It is important to note that this pre-application discussion process is separate from the statutory requirement for the developer to undertake pre-application consultation (PAC) with communities and further guidance on which is available here: