Firework Control Zones

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 introduced discretionary power for local authorities to designate firework control zones.

On 22 June 2023, the Scottish Government issued Guidance on Firework Control Zones for local authorities.

What is a Firework Control Zone (FCZ)?

A firework control zone is not intended to be a catch-all solution to deal with fireworks issues. It will only be considered where preventative and enforcement tools have been ineffective. If Aberdeen City Council and our local partners consider a firework control zone to be appropriate, it is expected that a zone would be utilised alongside other solutions to have maximum effect. Existing approaches and tools we use to deal with issues involving fireworks include:

  • Community engagement and awareness raising
  • Enforcement activities
  • Engaging with young people

Before authorising a firework control zone, or amending or withdrawing an existing firework control zone we must consult with:

  • those who live or work in the proposed zone
  • other members of the local community in or near the proposed zone; and
  • any other people or bodies that we believe have a connection with, interest in or will be affected by the proposed zone

How can I request a Firework Control Zone?

A request cannot be made by an individual. Applications for consideration of a FCZ can only be submitted by:

  • A community of residents (25 signatures required)
  • A welfare group or
  • A Community Council

When making a request, a lead applicant must be appointed. We will only notify the lead applicant on the progress and outcome of the submitted request.

The community request application form will require information on:

  • The reasons for the proposed new FCZ, or for amending or revoking an existing zone.
  • The boundaries of the zone.
  • The start and end dates required for the zone to take effect.

Request process

If you believe there is an issue with fireworks in your area, please complete the ‘Firework Control Zone – Community Request' form and send it to with the subject line “FCZ – Community Request”.

A community of residents has been defined as 25 supporting signatures. Names and addresses must be provided for all supporting applicants. Supporting applicants may be contacted by us in relation to the application. Supporting applicants must be residents of the area which the FCZ is being proposed. Applications that do not provide details of all 25 supporting applicants will not be processed.

If the request is taken forward, the process will require a wider consultation in line with the legislation.


We aim to acknowledge all requests received within 5 working days.

We aim to consider all community requests received and provide a response as to whether the request has been accepted within 4 weeks.  An accepted application can take up to 32 weeks from the initial request to implementation, therefore it is important to consider these timescales.  

Appeal Process

If the request is denied at the application stage, we will tell you why. You will then have 28 days to request a review of the decision by providing reasoning along with an updated request to If a request is denied any other requests that cover the same or similar geographical area cannot be made within 12 months.

What happens if a Firework Control Zone has been created?

Once a firework control zone has been authorised, responsibility for enforcing any offences falls to Police Scotland.

It is a criminal offence for a member of the public to ignite a firework, within a FCZ within the Aberdeen City Council boundary, this includes private property such as a garden.

It is also an offence to fire a firework into the boundaries of a zone; or to knowingly or recklessly throw or cast a lit firework into a zone.

However, there are some exemptions to this, which include:

  • Category F1 fireworks. These are classed as 'indoor fireworks' such as sparklers.
  • Public organised displays, subject to local licencing.
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