Europe Direct: European Union links

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The European Union on the web in a one stop shop.

Through the links below we aim to bring you a one stop shop where you can access information on the EU. Whether it is information about the institutions of the EU, watching videos about the EU, information for businesses, consumer and citizen advice, help for a school project take a look at our binders.

European Commission's 10 priorities - When Jean-Claude Juncker took over presidency of the European Commission in 2014 he set out his goals and aims for Europe under 10 Priorities

EU basics - Get to know the EU through guides and the official websites to the various institutions

Live, work, travel - Living and working abroad, healthcare, travel and tourism, education

EU for youth - Games, information for projects, volunteering, studying, European Youth Parliament

Business, entrepreneurship and research - Start-ups, selling abroad, funding for SMEs, entrepreneurship tools, EU research, research job opportunities

Stats, law and EU current affairs - EU statistics, Law and EU Treaties and current affairs

Interactive EU: have your say - EU official social media and Commissioners blogs, consultations, citizens initiative

Opinion - Outside viewpoints on the EU

Contact details

Information Centre
Central Library
Rosemount Viaduct
AB25 1GW

01224 649483

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