Code of Practice for filming on land owned by Aberdeen City Council

Thank you for choosing to film in Aberdeen.

Any filming undertaken in Aberdeen and any liability associated with the filming is the sole responsibility of the production company and its employees. 

Filming can take place in Aberdeen’s parks and open spaces without formal permission so long as it abide by this Code of Practice.

However, if the production is large scale*, or requires road closures, formal permission will be required. In these circumstances, please contact Where road closures or traffic restrictions are required, Aberdeen City Council require a minimum of eight weeks' notice is required. 

Please be aware that these guidelines may be subject to change. Additionally, depending on the scale of the production, requirements may differ. Aberdeen City Council will contact productions where more information is required. 

The production company must ensure that all those affected by the filming have been consulted and made aware of arrangements. A minimum of 7 days’ notice must be given to impacted residents and businesses. 

Although filming can proceed without formal permission, Aberdeen City Council should be made aware of filming taking place on Council land. The production company should supply the following information to for information at the earliest convenience. 

  • Full name of organisation, contact name, organisation address, telephone number and email address.
  • Locations
  • Dates and times of filming
  • Description of filming, including content, number of crew and any props or equipment to be used.

Please note that enquiries will only receive a response if further information is required. If you do not receive a response, please proceed as planned. 

* Productions that require fixed infrastructure to be on location, such as cabins, OB vehicles, catering provision, marquees or generators etc. or that amend the use or access of a public space. 

Health and Safety/Risk Assessment

It is the responsibility of the production company, so far is as reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and others who may be affected by their work. 

A risk assessment should be conducted and arrangements put in place to plan, manage, control and review preventative and protective measures for any identified risks to be sufficiently mitigated.

All activities associated with filming should be continually reviewed and assessed. 

Public Liability Insurance

Production companies must have adequate Public Liability Insurance in place, to the value of £5 million.


If filming is to take place on public highway, or will require road closures or parking restrictions, productions should contact at their earliest convenience, with information on the requested closures including dates and times. The relevant permits and traffic management must be in place before any filming takes place.

Please be aware that this process requires an 8 week notice period. Where closures are required, the appropriate traffic management must be in place. 

All vehicles involved with the production must be parked legally.

Failure to notify Aberdeen City Council, by making the appropriate TTRO application with subsequent traffic management plans, may result in requests being refused. 

Local Residents and Businesses

Communication should be made with local residents and businesses who may be impacted by filming. This should be sent at least seven days in advance and provide details on key timings, anticipated noise, any road closures, contact details and details of any activity which will have an impact on day-to-day business.

Access to businesses and residences should remain clear at all times and disruption to the public kept to a minimum.

Noise should be kept to a minimum, especially between 23:00 and 08:00. If generators are to be used, these should be positioned out of the way of residences and easily moved if a noise complaint is made.

Crew members should always be respectful of their surroundings, refrain from using offensive language and dress appropriately. 

Parks and Open Spaces

Productions must adhere to all conditions set out in sections 3 & 4 of the Aberdeen City Council (Parks and Outdoor Areas) Management Rules 2014. Any production that requires dispensation of these rules must gain the consent of the land manager.

An environmental assessment should take place where necessary to prevent wildlife disturbance due to lights, noise or other activity. Particular note should be taken of protected sites such as bat roosts, breeding birds or other protected sites.

No impediment should be made to public access over parks, open spaces or waterways. If this is deemed necessary for production, land managers and users must be notified and agreed safe alternative routes must be provided by the production company.


No waste should be left behind by any production. Sites should be left in the same condition as they are found.

Please note that where filming is taking place in a city park, all activity should abide by the park rules.


No objects belonging to Aberdeen City Council must be removed or displaced without express permission.

Any damage to the location must be fixed at the cost of the company and notified.

Emergency Services

The local police should be informed where there will be staging of crimes, accidents, using firearms, and use of actors in police uniform- please note that impersonating an officer is an offence, and as such uniforms should be covered up when not filming.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service should be advised where there is disruption to traffic, the use of fire hydrants, special effects, fires and explosions, impersonation of fire officers and the use of imitation fire service vehicles.

Scottish Ambulance Service should be advised where there is disruption to traffic, impersonation of ambulance service workers and the use of imitation ambulances.

In these circumstances, please contact at the earliest convenience. 

Drone Filming

Drone flights, for filming purposes, are permitted in Aberdeen, subject to the following conditions: 

  • Flights must take place in line with relevant legislation and CAA advice
  • It is the responsibility of the production to ensure compliance with CAA regulations
  • A risk assessment must be undertaken
  • An adequate level of public liability insurance must be in place
  • The flight is lawful. 

Those undertaking drone filming in the city must have the correct, up to date and site specific documentation and the appropriate authorisation. The Council will not be responsible or incur any legal liabilities. Productions should also take note of the Drone Code

As with all filming, drone flights must abide by the Parks and Outdoor Areas Management Rules 2024. Please note that enquiries will only receive a response if further information is required. If you do not receive a response, please take this as permission for filming to take place. 

Anyone found to be undertaking unauthorised drone filming, they will be requested to stop, and if production refuse, Police Scotland contacted. 

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