This is where you list your work history as well as information on any qualifications and professional memberships you have as well as training courses you have attended.
When you complete your work history, it’s useful to include information on any key tasks, activities and responsibilities that you had in the role. This helps the recruiting manager get a clear understanding of what you did and how it’s relevant to the post you’re applying for.
When it comes to your qualifications you only need to include the highest level qualification you have unless a specific qualification is asked for in the job profile. So, for example, if you have a Scottish Higher in Maths, it’s assumed you would have the Standard Grade that precedes this.
If you have any Professional Memberships that are relevant to the post you’re applying for, this is where they would go. For example: BASW (Social Work), CILIP (Libraries), CIPD (Human Resources), CIWM (waste management) etc.
Again, if you have completed any training courses which are relevant to the post you’re applying for, it’s useful to include them here along with a brief description of the content, what you learned and how you’ve applied it. For example, first aid, manual handling and other training courses can be included here.