Like all Scottish local authorities, we are required to prepare a local housing strategy every five years. This strategy sets out how we and our partners will address local need and demand, and contribute to national housing priorities. It covers all types and tenures of housing including social rented, private rented and owner-occupied accommodation.
The Local Housing Strategy 2018-2023 sets out our vision for housing:
People in Aberdeen live in good quality sustainable homes, which they can afford and that meet their needs.
The local housing strategy aims to deliver six strategic outcomes:
- There is an adequate supply of housing across all tenures and homes are the right size, type and location that people want to live in with access to suitable services and facilities.
- Homelessness is prevented and alleviated.
- People are supported to live, as far as is reasonably practicable, independently at home or in a homely setting in their community.
- Consumer knowledge, management standards and property condition is improved in the private rented sector.
- Fuel poverty is reduced which contributes to meeting climate change targets.
- The quality of housing of all tenures is improved across the city.
We will produce annual updates to monitor and evaluate progress against the strategic outcomes set out in the strategy.
You can download the strategy documents below:
The Housing Contribution Statement is closely aligned to the Local Housing Strategy. It sets out how housing and housing related services contribute to the delivery of the health and wellbeing outcomes.