Home energy savings

Why save energy?

By saving energy you will be saving yourself money on your fuel bills, making your home warmer and at the same time helping to conserve our environment.

The cost of supplying energy into the home has generally been rising recently and is expected to continue. This is reflected in your household's energy bills.

Every time we turn on our heating, switch on our lights, heat water, cook, or use any gas or electrical appliances in our homes, we may be damaging our planet by adding to the threat of global warming.

Where to get advice

Home Energy Scotland

Home Energy Scotland can offer advice on how to save energy and money and make your home warmer. They can also do a free Home Energy Check over the phone to pin-point where you could save energy and money, and may be able to arrange for an advisor to visit you at home. 

You may be eligible for help under the Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland. You may even qualify for free or subsidised measures under the Warmer Homes Scotland Scheme.

For further information visit the Home Energy Scotland site or call direct on 0808 808 2282.

Home Energy Scotland advisors are available on the phone Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

Home Energy Team

Aberdeen City Council's Home Energy Team, was created as part of the Council's Home Energy Strategy.

The Team can provide information on home energy efficiency projects in Aberdeen such as: 

Aberdeen Affordable Warmth Scheme or the Aberdeen Victorian tenements project

Read more in our guide:


Scarf is a social enterprise, based in Aberdeen, that delivers free advice to householders and businesses including advice on how to reduce heating costs.

Advice on:

  • achieving affordable warmth
  • help with fuel bill issues
  • advice on choosing a fuel supplier
  • energy efficiency grants and offers
  • dampness and condensation

Home visits to:

  • provide heating use demo
  • set programmers/timers
  • use of controls
  • assess property for energy efficiency improvement
  • assess dampness and condensation problems

For further information visit the Scarf website or phone 01224 213005. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on the Scarf website.

Energy company obligation: flexible eligibility

Aberdeen City Council continue to access available funding. The document below outlines our statement of intent in relation to accessing flexible eligibility funding through the Energy Contribution Obligation (ECO) scheme.

This replaces the previous Statement of Intent which is included below for reference: 


The main objective of ECO4 is to reduce fuel poverty by improving the least energy efficient housing stock occupied by low income and vulnerable and fuel poor households. One route that can be used to identify these households is the reformed 'ECO4 Flexibility' (ECO4 Flex). ECO4 Flex will remain a voluntary targeting mechanism. Under ECO4 Flex a participating local authority can refer private tenure households that it considers to be living in fuel poverty or on a low income and vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home.

The inclusion of a household in a local authority declaration/referral does not guarantee a measure will be installed in their home by an energy supplier. Decisions by energy suppliers on whether to install a measure may depend on:

A survey carried out by suppliers, or their agents/contractors and installation costs calculated,
The energy savings that can be achieved for a property,
Whether suppliers have achieved, or are close to achieving, their targets, and
Other commercial considerations.
Suppliers will carry out an assessment to decide which measures their property should receive. Residents will likely expect to receive multiple measures due to Minimum Requirements (MR).

Referrals for ECO Flexible Eligibility Affordable Warmth funding will only be accepted from Home Energy Scotland (HES)/ SCARF/ Counci/ Approved ECO 4 Framework Contractor. HES is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by the Energy Savings Trust. SCARF is the Council's delivery agent for ECO4.

Telephone advisors can answer questions about heating and insulating your home, saving money and cutting costs. They can refer on to delivery partners where appropriate:

HES: 0808 8082282
SCARF: 01224 213 005

Approved contractor list

Union Technical Services Ltd
0800 046 9190
Green Home Systems Limited
0800 783 3373

MPC Energy Ltd
0141 951 7887

Diversity Energy Solutions Ltd
01261 498964

Gas Care Heating Services Ltd (T/A Boiler Genie)
0141 538 0018

Pride & Joy Home Services Ltd
01738 634178



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