Compliance and cessation
Should you wish to complain about persons smoking in a no- smoking premises or area , please contact 03000 200 292 or
You may find the following links useful in regard to smoking cessation -
Fixed Penalty Notices
There are three types of Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN):
- Section 1 Offence: person having management or control of no-smoking premises failed to prevent others from smoking in those premises. The full amount payable is £200. The discounted amount is £150.
- Section 2 Offence: smoking in a no-smoking premises/vehicle. The full amount payable is £50. The discounted amount is £30.
- Section 3 Offence: person having management or control of no-smoking premises failed to conspicuously display warning notices in those premises/vehicle. The full amount payable is £200. The discounted amount is £150.
How to pay
If you have been issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice you can pay by credit/debit card -
Online - Civica Payments Portal - Products & Services (
In person at -
Marischal College, Customer Service Centre,
Ground Floor,
Marischal College
Broad St.,
Aberdeen AB10 1AB
The Customer Service Centre is open 0900 -1400 (Monday , Tuesday, Thursday,Friday) and Wednesday 0900 1700.
Remember to bring the Fixed Penalty Notice relating to the Fixed Penalty you wish to pay. If you wish to contest the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice, you may request a hearing within 29 days of receipt of the Fixed Penalty Notice. If you request a hearing, the payment period will be suspended until the decision of the hearing is notified. If you wish to contest the Notice you must lodge a request for a hearing in writing