Get involved in your child's learning

We recognise and value the influence and impact that parent and carers have on their children’s lives and learning. The involvement and engagement of families in their children’s learning both at home, school and community is essential to raising aspirations and attainment and ensuring children get the best start in life.

To find out more about how you can get involved in your child's learning, download our leaflet: 

Parental Involvement Strategy

The new Parental Involvement & Engagement Strategy (PIE) 2024-27 aims to ensure that all parents and carers are encouraged and supported to engage as partners in their children's learning, and to become involved in the life of the school. The strategy also ensures that it can continue to build on good practice and create further opportunities for our parents and schools to work together. The strategy will be reviewed every four years in line with parental engagement legislation. 

The plan has been developed using the voice of Aberdeen parents, young people, school staff and ACC central education team. It outlines Aberdeen City Council's commitment to working in partnership, recognising parents as the primary educators. 

You can download the full strategy here: 

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