Discounted childcare

You will be entitled to receive a discount on Aberdeen City Council, school age childcare provision if you receive one of the following benefits or fall into one of these following categories.

After each category the evidence required to prove eligibility is stated.

  • Contribution based Job Seeker Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Income based Job Seeker Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Short term Incapacity Benefit - - award letter from DWP
  • Asylum Seeker – Letter from department of immigration
  • Attendance Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Bereavement Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Carers Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Council Tax Benefits – award/ confirmation letter from council
  • Employment and Support Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Guardians Allowance
  • Housing Benefit – award/confirmation letter from council
  • Kinship Allowance
  • Long Term Incapacity Benefit  - award letter from DWP
  • Income Support - award letter from DWP
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit -  award letter from DWP
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - award letter from DWP
  • Severe Disablement Allowance - award letter from DWP
  •  Universal Credit with a monthly earned income of not more than £625 (see below)
  • Universal Credit, with a single parent/carer working less than 16 hours per week with an annual earned income from employment of less than £16,105 (see below)
  • Universal Credit, with both parents/carers working less than 24 hours per week with an annual earned income from employment of less than £16,105 – A screenshot of their most recent UC award showing deduction. This will show the amount they earned last month and can be extrapolated out for a year’s income. If you believe this is inaccurate you can ask for further months of UC awards to check. If you want to double check hours worked you will need payslips that show this.
  • Widowed Parents Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Disability Living Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Working Tax Credit: Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, with an income of less than £16,105 (see below)
  • Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an income of up to £7,500 – Letter from DWP to confirm the CTX/WTX, may also need payslips to confirm income if the letter does not show thisA
  • Disability Living Allowance - award letter from DWP
  • Pathways Financial Assistance
  • Home Education Children
  • Learning Disability – letter from doctor
  • Physical Disability – letter from doctor

Proof of eligibility must be received before discount is applied. For further information contact the Finance Team on

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