Tips to staying positive during difficult times 

Taking care of our mental health is just as important as protecting our physical health during lockdown. Here are some tips and ideas to help you stay positive.  

Get into a routine 

Create some sort of structure to your day that works for you – this might be as simple as getting up and going to bed at the same time each day. 
Sometimes we get overwhelmed because we feel everything needs to be done straight away.  

Create a ‘to do’ list for your day or week and break things down into small, achievable tasks. You’ll get a sense of satisfaction ticking each thing off as you go. 

Stay active 

You might think you are limited to the type of exercise you can do – but that is not the case. 

You could use this as a chance to really connect with nature and notice what’s around you when out on your daily walk. Or if you fancy starting something new try the couch to 5K app. 

There is also plenty of exercise you can do indoors. Take a look at the NHS Fitness Studio for ideas.

Stay informed 

It’s good to stay informed about COVID19, but remember to take a break if it gets too much. Good sources of information include: 

NHS Inform  

The Scottish Government     

Aberdeen City Council 

Get things off your chest 

It's crucial that we're able to talk honestly about our feelings. 

If you're feeling low, it’s important to acknowledge it and speak to a friend or family member. They may be feeling the same way.  

Reach out if you need help 

There is no shame in asking for help. If you think you might need some support with your mental health there are many organisations who can help you! 

Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87 

Samaritans - 116 123 

Aberdeen City Crisis Helpline - 0800 0304 713 

Find out more about the mental health support available to you.


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