Following Council Business FAQ's

 Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Council business. Click on a question to see the answer.

All meetings are currently being held remotely using Microsoft Teams technology. Those meetings which would ordinarily be open to the public are being recorded and the footage is published to the Council website after the meeting has concluded. All efforts are being made to ensure that the footage is available as soon as possible after the meeting, and on same day as the meeting. Recordings of meetings can be accessed by visiting committee meeting recordings.

Guidance on requesting a deputation is available by visiting: Get involved at a council or committee meeting 

Deputations can still be made at remote meetings providing the request is competent (see guidance in link above). Planning Development Management Committee and Licensing Sub Committee meetings are still taking place, however deputation requests which relate to planning or licensing applications are not competent.  

Where possible, deputation requests should be made by email or via the online form within the link above. The Town House is currently closed therefore mail is not being checked routinely.  

If a competent deputation request is made, you would be dialled into the meeting remotely to enable you to make your deputation. 

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