Here are some frequently asked questions about physical distancing and your business. Click on a question to see the answer.
To protect your staff, you should remind colleagues and drivers daily to only come into work if they are well and no one in their household is self-isolating.
To protect staff and customers, you should manage entry into the store, only allowing a limited number of people into your store at any given time.
You should put up signage to ask customers with symptoms not to enter the store, and to remind both staff and customers to always keep 2 metres from other people, wherever possible.
You should regularly encourage staff to wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible and for 20 seconds every time.
If feasible, you should also put up plexiglass barriers at all points of regular interaction to further reduce the risk of infection for all parties involved, cleaning the barriers regularly. You should still advise staff to keep 2 metres apart as much as possible.
To protect your staff, you should remind colleagues daily to only come into work if they are well and no one in their household is self-isolating.