Shannon has went above and beyond at this uncertain time and her story submitted by the community emphasises that she is a real #abdnhero.
Read below Shannon's story, in the words of the community.
Shannon is an #abdnhero
Here at Fersands like everyone else, the world changed on the 23rd March 2020. With immediate effect our usually bustling service was closed. We were left sitting at home with our makeshift office trying to figure out what we are going to do… It’s been a journey and we have learnt a lot. Unfortunately, we had to close our volunteer services due to closure and risks of convid-19 on our team.
However, we were left with one young and fit volunteer Shannon, who has been volunteering for us for well over a year, sometimes up to 25 hours per week. She has had various roles but mainly has been an admin assistant at Your Woodside Pantry. However as this was currently closed, she has helped out by delivering Easter eggs to nearly 70 teenagers, care packages, as well as delivering letters out into our whole community regarding financial support and gardening projects. The volunteering opportunities vary so much over this crazy period, but she is always eager to help whenever she is needed, we can’t thank her enough for her constant support. Thanks Shannon! She has recently just got accepted into a full-time college course which is very exciting and we are super proud of her well done! #abdnhero