Discharge of planning conditions
The Council may attach conditions to planning permissions and other consents. These are specified on the decision notice and may require the submission of information within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the terms of a condition may result in enforcement action.
The form below must be used to make a request to discharge a condition attached to a –
a. detailed planning permission (permissions with a DPP suffix)
b. listed building consent (LBC)
c. conservation area consent (CAC)
The form cannot be used to discharge conditions attached to a planning permission in principle (PPP). Such conditions must be dealt with through an application for approval of matters specified in conditions (MSC) via the ePlanning Scot website.
How to apply
All requests must be made by completing the form below. Please save and then upload the form as well as drawings and/or documents detailing the variation to ePlanning Scot using the ‘Post Submission Additional Documents’ (PSAD) function. Please quote the original planning permission reference on the PSAD form.
- A single form may be used to request the discharge of multiple conditions attached to the same permission.
- If a development has more than one permission relating to it, for example a planning permission and listed building consent, please complete a separate form for each permission and submit separately against the relevant permission reference number.
- A fee normally applies to requests for discharge of conditions attached to planning permissions. Please see Guidance on Fees for Planning and Related Applications for the current fee rate. Fees can be paid online at the same webpage. There is no fee for conditions attached to a listed building consent or conservation area consent; where the request relates to planning permissions for householder development; where the planning permission was granted prior to 11 July 2022; where development relates to means of access for disabled persons; or where permitted development rights were removed by article 4 or by condition. Please see the fees guidance for full details.
Non-material variations
After planning permission has been granted, the Council may, at the request of the grantee or a person acting with their consent, vary the permission if the proposed change is considered to be non-material.
A non-material variation is a change which would not significantly alter the proposal which was originally granted planning permission. The Council will consider each change on its merits and in the context of what was originally approved. What is acceptable as a change in one situation may not be acceptable in another. The approval of requests for non-material variations is at the discretion of the Council and there is no right of appeal.
- Non-material variations can only be granted for –
o detailed planning permissions (permissions with a DPP suffix);
o planning permissions in principle (PPP); and
o approvals of matters specified in conditions (MSC).
- Variations cannot be granted for listed building consents (LBC), other permission types or any permission granted on appeal by the Scottish Ministers.
- Non-material variations –
o can only be granted to the applicant for the original permission or a person acting with their consent.
o cannot relate to work which is outside the boundary of the original permission.
o must be sought prior to the proposed change being implemented.
How to apply
All requests must be made by completing the form below. Please save and then upload the form as well as drawings and/or documents showing the proposed variation to ePlanning Scot using the ‘Post Submission Additional Documents’ (PSAD) function. Please quote the original planning permission reference on the PSAD form.
- A single form may be used to request multiple variations to the same permission.
- If a development has more than one permission relating to it, for example multiple planning permissions, please complete a separate form for each permission and submit separately against the relevant permission reference number.
- A fee normally applies to requests for non-material variations. Please see Guidance on Fees for Planning and Related Applications for the current fee rate. Fees can be paid online at the same webpage. There is no fee where the request relates to planning permissions for householder development; where development relates to means of access for disabled persons; or where permitted development rights were removed by article 4 or by condition. Please see the fees guidance for full details.