Looked After children being cared for out of their holding Authority area

When a looked after child is placed out of their local authority area the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 require a local authority to notify in writing: 


  1. the local authority for the area in which that child is living; 

  2. the Health Board which provides services in the area in which the child is living; 

This requirement applies to children living in kinship, Adoption, fostering or any other residential establishment which includes children’s homes, residential schools and secure care.  

The Regulations (2009) do not require the receiving authority to keep a record of looked after children placed by another authority in their area.  However it is the interests of the child that we are aware of them and who we must contact if we become aware of any concerns about them therefore Aberdeen City Council will keep a record of them within the Social Work recording system. 

All Local Authorities are asked to notify Aberdeen City Council of Looked After children living in our area by email to cswintakeadmin@aberdeencity.gov.uk


In order to ensure all other Local Authorities are aware of Aberdeen City Looked After children in their area we will –  

  • Send a Notification of Change form to the relevant Local Authority if a child moves to, within or leaves their area soon after the child moves. 


In order to ensure accuracy of our information, on an annual basis we will - 

  • Audit our Social Work and Education recording systems. 

  • Send a request for information about Looked After children living in Aberdeen, to all local authorities within Scotland, usually mid-September, using a standard email template.  This email will come from BusinessServices2@aberdeencity.gov.uk.