What is the Promise
On 5th February 2020, the Care Review published seven reports, with 'the promise' narrating a vision for Scotland. The Promise is responsible for driving the work of change drawn from the findings of the Independent Care Review.
The 5 Foundations of The Promise
- Voice: Children must be listened to and meaningfully and appropriately involved in decision-making about their care, with all those involved properly listening and responding to what children want and need. There must be compassionate, caring, decision-making culture focused on children and those they trust.
- Family: Where children are safe in their families and feel loved they must stay - and families must be given support together to nurture that love and overcome the difficulties that get in the way.
- Care: Where living with their family is not possible, children must stay with their brothers and sisters where safe to do so and belong to a loving home, staying there for as long as needed.
- People: The children that Scotland cares for must be actively supported to develop relationships with people in the workforce and wider community, who in turn must be supported to listen and be compassionate in their decision-making and care.
- Scaffolding: Children, families and the workforce must be supported by a system that is there when it is needed. The scaffolding of help, support and accountability must be ready and responsive when it is required.
Information for Children and Young People
If you want to find out more about The Promise, where it came from and what it could mean to you, you can find our more by reading The Pinky Promise by clicking the link below.
Some of the changes The Promise wants to see are:
- Making sure families are supported to stay together
- Where children and young people do need to be cared for away from their families, brothers and sisters should not be separated
- Young people with care experience should be supported into adulthood
- The language we use to talk about care needs to change
- We need to always listen to the voices of children and young people and make sure that their views on their care and what they need are heard
Have a look at the Pinky Promise (child-friendly version) for more details:
Get in touch
Promise Lead Officer
Aberdeen is currently looking for a Promise Lead Officer to join us in our efforts to #KeepThePromise and will be recruiting shortly.
In the interim if you have any queries you can contact:
Amy Evans
Lead Officer for Corporate Parenting
Aberdeen’s Promise Delivery Partner
Promise Delivery Partners from the Promise Scotland Team have been established to facilitate and support change alongside organisations in and around the care system to support shifts in policy, practice, and culture so Scotland can #KeepThePromise.
Aberdeen City’s Promise Delivery Partner is:
Rachel Keenan
Promise Delivery Partner
Email: rachelk@thepromise.scot
Phone : 07760649386