Bus stops

The map below shows the locations of all bus stops in Aberdeen. You can zoom in and out of the map using the plus and minus signs at the top left. Alternatively, you can use the search box at the top right to search for a postcode or street in Aberdeen - this will zoom the map to that location. 

If you click on a bus stop icon it will show information about the bus stop, including links to the Traveline bus times and Realtime bus times for that stop.

Contact details

Please contact the Passenger Transport Unit if you have an enquiry about bus services or bus stops, including: 

  • Reporting damage to a bus stop or shelter.
  • Requesting a bus stop/shelter to be installed.
  • Any questions or comments on the Park and Ride bus services.
  • Bus network / bus service enquiries (timetable enquires should be directed to Traveline Scotland 0870 6082608).
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