Historic gardens and designed landscapes

In the Aberdeen Local Development Plan, historic gardens and designed landscapes are covered by a policy that planning permission for development would have an adverse effect on the character or setting of a site listed in the Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland. Planning permission will be refused unless the designated area will not be compromised and any significant effect for which the area has been designated are clearly outweighed by social, economic and strategic benefits of national importance. Mitigation and appropriate measures will be taken to conserve and enhance the essential characteristics, aesthetics, archaeological and historic value and setting of the site.

Duthie Park and Winter Gardens

The only site in Aberdeen listed in the inventory is the Duthie Park and Winter Gardens, which is a good example of a 19th century public park that retains its original layout and for the involvement of a named designer. 

  • Work of art: the layout of the park gives this site high value as a work of art.
  • Historical: the recorded history of the site and the involvement of a named designer gives the site outstanding historical value. 
  • Horticultural: the cacti collection and other exotic plants under glass give this site outstanding horticultural value. The glass houses includes the largest collection of cacti in Britain.
  • Scenic: there are views into the southern end of the park from Riverside Drive. There are more extensive views into the site from south of the river.
  • Archaeological: an archaeological dig at Aberdeen's Duthie Park has uncovered what is thought to be the stone steps which lead to the pond; an original feature of the 1883 park layout. The circular pond is situated in the lower car park area however it was infilled in the 1920s when the model yachting pond was extended.
  • Architectural: many of the various monuments, lodges and structures are Listed Buildings.
  • Nature conservation: The green space in the urban city centre area provides a small amount of nature conservation value.

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