Multi Agency Risk, Analysis & Thresholds Training (GIRFEC)

Protecting Children, Improving Children's Futures
Tuesday 23 August 2022, 9.30am-2.00pm

Multi Agency Training

This training is for professionals working in Aberdeen City. 

Training will take place via MS Teams. 


This course examines how we identify, assess, analyse and manage risk. It promotes understanding of needs and risks within the framework of a child's whole world. A number of practical exercises enable participants to increase their use of GIRFEC tools to increase and improve analysis of child's situation.


It is a requirement that you complete the e-module 'Introduction to Safeguarding' before attending other GIRFEC courses.

'Introduction to Safeguarding' is a video course available via accessing the following link:

Introduction to Safeguarding e-module (GIRFEC) | Aberdeen City Council


We also recommend that you complete the 'Managing, Recording & Sharing Information' online course available in video format before attending any live GIRFEC courses:

Managing Recording & Sharing Information (GIRFEC) | Aberdeen City Council