Adult Protection Modules 1 and 2

Protecting Adults
Thursday 9 May 2024, 9.30am-3.30pm

Multi Agency Training

* This training is for Aberdeen City Council professionals and professionals working in Aberdeen City, Scotland UK in an organisation with less than 15 paid staff or volunteers*

This course has been adapted for delivery via MS teams and addresses all of module 1 course, giving a basic awareness of Adult Support and Protection, including recognition of harm and how to respond to it. It is primarily designed for non-professionally qualified staff who have a direct caring role with adults who may be at risk but do not have management responsibilities.

In addition the course gives some basic information on how the Council responds to adult protection concerns (via inquiries, investigations and case conferences).

The second part of the course is primarily designed for staff with a direct caring role with adults who may be at risk and who also have supervisory responsibilities and/or are professionally qualified. The Police Adult Protection Coordinator provides input along with Advocacy Services Aberdeen providing an overview of their role within the Adult Support and Protection process. At the end of the session an Aberdeen City Council Solicitor provides information on Data Protection and Information Sharing if you are a Aberdeen City Council employee.